Now I will make this selected object as a component and, for that, select the whole object and then make right-click.
You can also have a Mirror extension from the Extension warehouse and use that as a mirror tool. You can also make a copy of any object and then mirror it. There is no specific tool with the name Mirror tool in SketchUp, but we can do a mirror of objects through several ways. So let me explain to you some of the ways in a very exciting manner through which you can do this. For doing a mirror of any object or for making the mirrored object of any component, you should understand some of the features and parameters of different tools as well as the methodology of this software. You can also use Mirror extension for doing this work for your components, and you can download it from the Extension Warehouse of this software. There are a number of ways through which you can mirror any object or component in this software. SketchUp Mirror is a process through which you can reflect any object to the opposite side of it for different types of purposes.